About us

Tech Muttis Berlin

About Tech Muttis 

If you are a mum or you are becoming a mother, and you are working or interested in the tech industry (programming, IT, e-commerce, online marketing, blockchain etc.) or simply want to be mother, who loves themsselves as much as your childer, and would love to stay tuned with another TechMuttis on the newest tech trends and share your passion with them, you are right here!

Tech Muttis are active Mams passionate about technology.

Behind Tech Muttis?

Idea of TechMuttis was established by me at the end of 2019. Initially, it was supposed to be a meet-up in Berlin, an event associating mothers interested in the tech world or working in technology companies. Mothers who love not only their children with all their heart, but they love or want to learn how to love themselves as well. Unfortunately, the coronavirus appeared at the beginning of 2020, and I could not start the meet-ups. In the meantime, I got inspiration to pivot TechMuttis into online world. On Instagram I will tell you how to combine running an IT company with motherhood, how to deal with crisis situations, I will share with you tech news and invite another Muttis to share their knowledge with us! Still I hope at some point to meet you in person at meet-ups :). I miss #before-Covid-life sooooo much!

What are TechMuttis?

I´m Anna from Poland, mam of Teodor (29th of October 2018) and Leonard (22nd of February 2021). I have over 5 years experience in online marketing industry, gathered in Spain and Germany. Since 2019 I´m Managing Director in´a great Berlin based SaaS company, BST Media GmbH. When I became a mam, I realized that all the amazing Berlin tech meetups are not anymore for me, as there are usually happening late hours or it is hard to go there with a baby, because it could disturb speakers during their presentations. That was my motivation to create TechMuttis, to help another mamas as me to keep tuned, develop themselves by keeping being a great mother!

Why Muttis and not Mamas or Mums?

First because we are based in Berlin. Mutti is the diminutive from the German word “Mutter” – Mama. Muttis are simply great active Mams, passionate about technology.

Hugs! Your Mutti Anna